Sunday, 1 May 2011


Tagging is to some people a public pain while to others it showcases talent and identity.
In freedom writers diary entry 9 you read about a boy who tags.

“I got into tagging because banging' and dealing drugs or kickin' it with gangsters was not my thing. I started to hit up on walls with markers or cans."

Tagging is a common thing you see everywhere and in nearly every country the difference is each tag tells a different story. You tag because you either want people to know your name or gang name or  just to express yourself, there is also the people who just want to destroy public property. but in the diary entry the person tells you why they tag.

"Tagging is what gives me a thrill. The chance to express my talent. To hear people talk about my art gives me the strength to continue what I do. I never do any of my class work so I spend my time in class sketching on my notebook, handouts backpack or anything in sight, I’m an artist and I love what I do. I know it sucks for the peoples property, but getting away with it is part of the thrill. Getting smocked out with my homies, then going out and canning walls is what I call a day."

There is an unknown tagger in America known only as Banksy who goes around the streets of America and tags current issues like when Obama was elected or war and peace to even homelessness. He has received much praise even though nobody knows who he or she is.

even though tagging is illegal and is damaging to  property I think that it’s a good thing for artists to express themselves with but to not do it on public places.

Word count =301

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